Events | kaahumanu-church
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From 1832, through the years, and now, Kaʻahumanu Church has served the local community by providing a place of Hawaiian worship

Worship Service

Every Sunday at 9:00am

Come visit and worship with us. Worship at Kaahumanu Church is a blend of Hawaiian and English from mele (music) to pule (prayers).


In Person or on Facebook Live.

Communion 1st Sunday of the Month. We hold open Communion and invite all to the table.

Young Adults Ministry
Every second and last Sunday of the Month during church service. 
Sunday School Ministry
The first 3 Sundays of every month during church service.
Bible Study

Wednesday - 6:00 pm

Thursday - 5:30 pm

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday (Queen Ka'ahumanu Center Food Court) - 5:30 pm

Music Ministry
Tuesday - 6:00 PM


Plate Lunch Fundraiser

8/24 10-2 Kau Yuk Plate

Trunk or Treat

10/26/2024 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Guided Tours?


Ka'ahumanu Church open for guided tours. Learn the history of Ka'ahumanu Church, and the stories of those buried in our cemetery. Call Kahu Wayne for reservations: 808-446-4649

A look back at the fun times we had as we navigated our way through the NEW NORMAL of worship throughout the pandemic in the year 2020. Big mahalo to all of you who accompanied us on this journey. Ke Akua Pu!

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